*1) 16 languages: for details see program *2) languages: american • dutch • english • esperanto • french • german • italian • japanese • russian • spanish • Many thanks to the translators.
MyDefrag is based on the standard Defragmentation Interface by Microsoft (the FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP, FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS, and FSCTL_MOVE_FILE function calls), just like all other defragmenter. It is therefore very solid, there is no risk of losing data or the disk getting scrambled, and you can run it while the computer is in full use.
MyDefrag shows a high-detail map of the hard disk. Bottom-left of the window is the beginning of the hard disk. ![]() Snapshot of MyDefrag in action.
Permissions: MyDefragGUI needs "full control" permissions to all files that it must defragment/optimise. On a default Windows system the "administrator" user ID has full permissions to all files. Other users can also run MyDefragGUI, but then it can only defragment/optimise the files for which the user has "full control". On Windows Vista: right-click the MyDefrag program and select "run as administrator". Stopping: MyDefrag can be stopped safely at any time, there is no risk of losing data or corrupting your disk. 1. Strategies
2. Scheduler
The strategy- and log-settings are taken over also by the Task-Manager and by the screen saver by inserting respectively activating or changing them. 2.1 Scheduler - Task-Manager If you want to defragment at certain times with fixed intervals you can adjust these here with the Windows Task-Manager. 2.2 Scheduler - Screensaver If you want to defragment at certain intervals by the screen saver you can install and configure MyDefrag as screen saver. 3. Extras You can specify as extras things like creating a log file or shutdown the computer after defragmentation. For further details look at the program documentation - which is attached to the program. Tip: Cleanup old junk from your hard disk before running MyDefragGUI. Tip: Stop your real time virus scanner before running MyDefragGUI. Virus scanners check all disk activity, making defragmentation and optimisation very slow. Tip: Move the swap file to another volume, reboot, defragment, and move the swap file back. If you don't have a second volume then temporarily make the swap file small, for example 100 MB. Tip: If a program (for example a database) prevents certain files from being defragged then stop the program, run MyDefrag for the particular data directory only, and restart the program. Tip: Run the program with the "-a 6" option to move infrequently used files to the end of the disk (for example "C:\RECYCLER" and "C:\WINNT\$*"), then run the program again and exclude those files with the "-e" option. |
There is a forum for JkDefrag/MyDefrag which is operated by Jeroen Kessels. There you can place questions, give feedback and share your experiences with the program. The contributions are written in English and cover the following categories:
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MyDefragGUI / JkDefragGUI |
Version | Date | Change log / Download |
MyDefragGUI 2.1.2 |
Sep 07, 2009 | - added indication of drive temperature at the legend window Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.2 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Sep 01, 2009 | - added possibility to save the position and the size of MyDefrag window via save settings - added possibility to save the position of the colour legend window via save settings - changed behaviour of fast and slow optimisation action Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.1.2 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Aug 29, 2009 | - changed minor manual items - added greek language Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.1.1 portable |
MyDefragGUI 2.1.1 |
Aug 28, 2009 | - changed first run procedure due to legal licensing reasons - updated MyDefrag 4.1.2 Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.1 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Aug 01, 2009 | - bugfix: if drive a: (mostly floppy discs) exist and drive b: not exist the subsequent drive of the last checked drive has also been checked after save settings and then restart Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.0.4 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Jul 31, 2009 | - added admin UAC prompt Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.0.3 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Jul 30, 2009 | - added a whitespace between simplified chinese language selection - added tab at language sum display by rtl-languages Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.0.2 portable |
MyDefragGUI |
Jul 29, 2009 | - bugfix: division by zero at percentage display by floppy discs Download MyDefragGUI v2.1.0.1 portable |
MyDefragGUI 2.1 |
Jul 28, 2009 | - complete redesign of interface and further code improvements Download MyDefragGUI v2.1 portable ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] Download MyDefragGUI v2.1 setup ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
MyDefragGUI 2.0 beta 1 - beta 5 |
Jul 18, 2009 05/30 - 07/06/09 |
- numerous internal program changes, functional extensions and adaptation to MyDefrag Download MyDefragGUI v2.0 portable ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] Download MyDefragGUI v2.0 setup ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefragGUI 1.16 | Nov 01, 2008 | - Added a directory filter to include and exclude up to 20 directories with the possibility to arrange the order processing - Renamed and split the tab 'Log' in two sub tabs: 'After' and 'Log' - Added the possibility to close JkDefrag and the GUI separately when defragmentation is finished - Added as third operation system behaviour when defragmentation is finished the mode standby - Added the possibility to save settings automatically when the program will be closed - Added the possibility to start an other free selectable program after closing the program - Added an info window for the case that the JkDefrag window is already closed but the process is still running in the background Download GUI v1.16 ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefragGUI 1.15 | Aug 24, 2008 | - Removed at 'About-window' the display of the drive name, file system and drive type - Added at 'About-window' the display of the platform, operating system and system path - Changed at 'About-window' the display of free and used memory. Now free and used memory shows no more the memory of the selected drive but the memory of all drives (display of selected directory remains) - Changed at 'About-window' the colour display of the used memory at the graphical bar. Now it indicates depending on storage continuously from yellow over orange to red - Added the display of all for the system available drives at one display with checkbox selection and additional display of drive and used size (changed from combo box to list view) - Changed some links, button behaviours and the program look - Excluded the doc files from the compiled package - Fixed a bug which could appear at program starting if the program is too slow loaded into the working memory (appeared at the external and hidden mode) - Fixed a bug at window snapping to screen edges behaviour - Fixed a bug that crashes the program if more items than intended are in the language files - Fixed a bug in directory selection - Further small changes Download GUI v1.15 ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefragGUI 1.14 |
Apr 10, 2008 | - Added full-text search to documentation - Changed the texture of the documentation and separated the documentation according to languages - Reduced average capacity utilization of CPU by ⅔ - Added the possibility to specify own audio file which is played when defragmentation is finished and the possibility to deactivate internal tone - Improved the design and handling of date selection at the task manager tab - Added saving of date selection value in the settings file - Added delayed starting for the task manager for the modes on idle, at startup, at logon - Added pull-down menu at the 'when ready' group for shutdown and added the possibility to reboot Download GUI v1.14 ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefragGUI 1.12 | Feb 29, 2008 | - Added icons to the pull-down menu - Fixed the icon display at the tool bar on Vista - Modified script for html-log file to changed line dump - Added after update download desktop and quick-launch link - Added link testing at download whether server is online - Added user-specific spacehogs input box with checkbox for select/deselect internal spacehogs list - Added saving of quit and shutdown values in the settings file - Designed and added tray menu icons for hidden mode - Changed the display of memory size name at the about window from SI to binary units - Added SI and binary display of memory size at the about window as tip - Fixed a bug which occurred if there was saved a unknown language name in the settings file (could emerge only by manual entry) - Fixed the display of the Task-Manager status when changing the language - Added to the html-log file at "the 25 biggest files" active links to the file folder (experimental) - Added to the html-log file three-digit grouping - Fixed a double apply of the -e mask at the screen saver in some cases - Changed: if a directory for defragmentation was saved and the GUI is started new the drives pull-down menu and the all drives checkbox is now greyed out - Added snapping of GUI windows to the screen edges - Added info window when browser have to start to show html-log file - Further diverse minor fixes and changes Download GUI v1.12 ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefragGUI 1.10 | Aug 18, 2007 |
- Version numbers from title bar to "About" window - Intervals at scheduler improved ("once" with calendar) - Added drive information (Name, System, Type, Space) - Added colour-cluster information window - Now log files are also shown as html-log file - Changed from global to local shortcuts - and further small changes Download GUI v1.10 ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
MyDefrag / JkDefrag de |
Version | Date | Change log / Download |
MyDefrag 4.0 beta 1 - beta 12 |
Jul 16, 2009 02/20 - 07/08/09 |
- for details see MyDefrag manual - downward compatible only till MyDefrag beta 2 |
JkDefrag 3.36 | Aug 31, 2008 | - Reverted back to an old Microsoft Screensaver library. The 2008 compiler has a library that is incompatible with Windows XP - Fixed a problem with extremely long path names. Download JkDefrag v3.36de ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefrag 3.34 |
Feb 01, 2008 |
- Re-fixed the "DisableDefaults" bug. - Partial undo of the change that uses the mount point of a volume. It was causing problems during the automatic scanning for disks to be defragmented. - Pushed the "Zone calculation" messages down to debug level 4. - Fixed the VisualC example project. Download JkDefrag v3.34de ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefrag 3.24 | Sep 03, 2007 |
- A final fix for the out-of-sequence problem. - Bugfix for missing parameter in status message that caused JkDefrag to crash when it wanted to display the "Cannot find volume name for mount point" message. This message can happen when scanning the system for disks and a special volume is encountered such as a "subst" volume. - The "25 largest items on disk" list in the status report is now sorted by (used) clusters instead of by (allocated) bytes. - Fixed the progress percentage during analysis of NTFS volumes. It was counting too fast and reached 100% before analysis was complete. - The "unmovable", "still fragmented", and "largest 25" lists in the report are now suppressed if empty. - Directories on FAT disks cannot be moved, this is a known limitation of the Microsoft defragmentation API and not a bug in JkDefrag. To speed up things the program will now count the number of failed tries to move directories, and when it reaches 20 will ignore all directories. Download JkDefrag v3.24de ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |
JkDefrag 3.16 | Jun 22, 2007 |
- Changed the message in the docs about the screen saver under Vista, it works if User Account Control is turned off. - Bugfix in "-a 3" (fast optimise). It would not use Perfect Fit for gaps that were larger than all the data already processed. - Bugfix in "-a 6" (move to end of disk). Files in zone 1 would not be moved. - Added some translations of "Program Files" to the build-in list of Spacehogs. - Fixed a typo in the "System Volume Information" string in the Spacehogs. - Fixed the displaying of the zone number, should have been + 1. Download JkDefrag v3.16de ( Downloads) [MD5 checksum] |